Factoring: A Strategy for Managing Large Orders & Contracts

Invoice factoring can help you manage large orders and contracts and improve operational efficiency. Learn how it works and how to get started here.

Have you ever had to turn down work because you’re unprepared for the upfront costs? It’s a frustrating scenario that plays out all too often and is one of the few business challenges few are prepared to face – or even realize exists – until it actually happens. On this page, we’ll walk you through why this happens, options to address it, and why invoice factoring for large orders and contracts is often the ideal solution.

Landing Large Orders and Contracts is a Problem for Many Businesses

Landing large orders or contracts is precisely what most businesses strive for. It’s a sign that you’re doing something right. But the reality is that the bigger the opportunity, the bigger the challenge it can create when it comes to cash flow. If you can’t manage the upfront costs, you may not be able to take advantage of the opportunity. Two in five small businesses have lost potential business opportunities for exactly this reason, per Xero surveys.

Traditional Business Financing Options Cannot Always Bridge the Gap

Many businesses turn to traditional lending options such as loans and lines of credit to take advantage of these opportunities. However, they miss the mark for many reasons:

  • High Denials: More than one in five applicants is completely denied funding, according to the latest Small Business Credit Survey.
  • Insufficient Funding: Around 28 percent of applicants only receive partial funding, survey results show. This leaves a gap that businesses must fill through other means.
  • Red Tape: Traditional lending has a labor-intensive approval process and businesses must jump through a number of hoops to get approved.
  • Lengthy Turnaround: Getting approved and receiving payment can take weeks or months, which isn’t fast enough to seize most opportunities.
  • Debt: Nearly 20 percent of businesses that don’t apply for funding in any given year avoid it, not because they don’t need the cash, but because they’re afraid to take on debt.

Factoring Helps Even When Traditional Financing Options Don’t

Invoice factoring is a unique funding solution in which your business sells its unpaid invoices to a factoring company like Viva Capital in exchange for immediate payment. You receive most of the value of the invoice right away, then receive the remaining sum minus a small factoring fee when Viva collects payment from your client.

Invoice Factoring for Large Orders and Contracts: A Recipe for Success

Factoring supports business growth in many ways, but it can be especially helpful when businesses need a quick cash injection to take on a large order or contract. Let’s take a quick look at some of the mechanisms behind this.

Easy Approval

Whereas loans and lines of credit have lengthy approval processes and rigid criteria, most businesses with creditworthy clients can get approved for factoring. Moreover, you can be approved in as little as eight hours when you apply factoring with Viva Capital.

Immediate Capital

Factoring provides your business with an instant injection of working capital. In most cases, cash is available in your account within two business days. At Viva, we also offer same-day payments. This allows you to accept work with confidence, knowing you have the cash to cover upfront expenses in your account right away.

Financial Stability

Factoring provides more predictable cash flow, allowing you to take on larger contracts confidently, knowing you won’t be stuck waiting for payment to come through.

Risk Reduction

We check the creditworthiness of your clients before we begin factoring, so you know exactly how much trade credit you can extend without exposing your business to unnecessary risk. This can also provide peace of mind when accepting larger contracts.


Factoring is scalable. Whether you’re handling small or large orders, factoring adjusts to your cash flow needs without requiring long-term commitments or minimums.

No Debt

Since factoring is not a loan, it doesn’t add to your company’s liabilities or affect your credit score, which preserves your ability to borrow in the future as needed. It can also make it easier for you to make payments on your existing debt, which can boost your credit score to make it easier to borrow or help you get a better rate in the future.

Overcoming Operational Hurdles and Building Business Resilience

Factoring helps with maximizing efficiency and strengthening business resilience by providing immediate cash flow and taking the burden of collections off your shoulders. When you factor invoices, you can quickly assess the funds you need to cover operational costs like inventory or payroll so you can fulfill orders without waiting for customer payments. This steady cash flow helps you pay suppliers on time, maintain good relationships, and even negotiate better terms. Plus, with the factoring company handling collections, you’re free to focus on core activities like production and customer service rather than chasing invoices.

Factoring also strengthens business resilience by offering a buffer against payment delays, ensuring you always have access to the cash you need to keep things running smoothly. Because factoring creates liquidity without adding debt, it keeps your balance sheet clean and allows you to navigate economic downturns or unexpected challenges with more financial flexibility. This combination of improved cash flow, outsourced collections, and debt-free liquidity ensures that factoring supports both your day-to-day efficiency and long-term stability. For this reason, many businesses find it imperative when transforming business management strategies or as part of moving to a resilient business model.

Get Started with Invoice Factoring for Large Orders and Contracts

Whether you’re actively searching for a way to cover the costs associated with a large order or contract you’ve already been offered, or you want to make sure you’re ready to seize the next opportunity that comes your way, factoring can help. To kickstart your approval, request a complimentary factoring quote from Viva.

Greg DiDonna

About Greg DiDonna

Greg DiDonna, President and Partner of Viva Capital, is responsible for strategic planning and implementation of customer service, and business growth. Three-time award winner of Banker of the Year by Southwestern Business Development Finance Corporation.

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